
About brennemanadmin

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So far brennemanadmin has created 4 blog entries.

Root Causes: What are they and why they matter.


Root Causes: What are they and why they matter. In functional medicine the term root cause is used regularly when talking with patients. Some of you may be familiar with term, while others may be left scratching your head. Today, I want to explain what root causes are and why uncovering them [...]

Root Causes: What are they and why they matter.2024-08-22T20:29:38+00:00

Functional Medicine: A new Paradigm


Functional Medicine: A new Paradigm When it comes to treating chronic disease or diseases of lifestyle, the conventional healthcare system is failing people. Year after year deaths from these diseases continue to rise. The main approach that dominates our disease-care model are through the administration of drugs, vaccines, and surgery. The use [...]

Functional Medicine: A new Paradigm2024-08-22T20:29:58+00:00

Finding Your Why


Finding Your Why Asking ourselves “why” is a general response we all contemplate after we have done something or when we think about what drives us. Why did I do that? Why do I keep repeating the same behaviors? These are basic questions we all experience at some point. A Growing Movement [...]

Finding Your Why2024-08-22T20:31:36+00:00

Welcome to the Mind Body Balance Clinic Blog: This will be life changing!


Welcome to the Mind Body Balance Clinic Blog: This will be life changing! My name is Dr. Michael Quintana, but many of my patients have referred to me as Dr. Q over the years. I am a board certified chiropractic physician with advanced training in functional and nutritional medicine. I wanted to thank [...]

Welcome to the Mind Body Balance Clinic Blog: This will be life changing!2024-08-22T20:31:54+00:00
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